The Song of the Self


Our heart has an intelligent part with a unique song waiting to play. The song that only represents you.

The Song of the Self

Remove energy blocks created by unsung songs, from your etheric body.

This body of Belvaspata is specifically designed to release the hold of separation caused by unexpressed frequencies.

Emotion has always been the catalyst for magic. The emotions of distortion, pain, fear, anger, protectiveness and guilt, have been the blockages preventing the magical life.

Pain is caused by the illusion of separation (from the Infinite therefore from each other and all that exists). The illusion of separation is caused when parts of our body do not emit their harmonious frequencies ,they do not sing their song.

Our unsung songs lie like shadows in the etheric body. This area of Belvaspata is specifically designed to release the hold of separation caused by unexpressed frequencies. In doing so, it promotes the healing of bodily inflammation by resolving internal emotional conflicts created by our unsung songs.



      • The Song of Unfolding Newness
      • The Song of Light
      • The Song of Abundant Plenitude
      • The Song of Relationship



    Belvaspata was channeled into our contemporary consciousness by the mystic of our time, Seer Almine . It is difficult to logically think through the Belvaspata-healing process. One must feel, sense, and tune into the energies, surrendering to Shakespeare’s wisdom: “There are more things in Heaven and Earth than in your philosophy.”

    All information on Belvaspata originated from the greatest mystic of our time Seer  Almine and is used with her permission and endorsement.