Healing Session- Physical Body
Compassion, sacred silence and light with frequency awakens the real part of existence in you which is nothing but perfection & health. This sacred modality is a powerful tool for physical, emotional and mental healing as well as enlightenment.
With Belvaspata we purify our emotions and heal our hearts create ultimate health, vitality and joy in the cells. We are removing distorted frequencies and any energy blockages while discovering the root cause of your discomfort and dis-ease.
The experience is amazing. During a Belvaspata session, sacred sigils are drawn over the body, or in the case of distance healing sessions, are drawn into the air. These sigils call upon angelic presences who remain around you until you are ready to receive the qualities associated with them.
Belvaspata inspires the person (and body) to want to express at a higher level, to let go of behaviours held in memory and patterns , thus releasing illusion and allowing fuller expression. Special modalities can be added to your session or done in a separate ceremonial manner.
Blvaspata Healing – Physical, Mental Body For One Session $90 And Five Session $300
For Emotional Healing: Aravespi Stra-Unat click here.
For Metaphysical Belvaspata for Healing Drug and Alcohol Addiction click here.
For The Song of The Self Belvaspata, healing of bodily inflammation click here. The Song of the Self Belvaspata is also used for a traumatic death in addition to Esklavanet Belvaspata.
For Esklavanet Belvaspata: assisting departed soul of the loved ones, ghosts and psychic impressions/imprinting of any kind from the cells of the body as in on a deep cellular level. click here.
Belvaspata healing is the only modality that comes with 6 months daily maintenance program that starts immediately after your last healing session for $144
Alchemical Oil 12- Meridian Activation and 12 Pairs of Emotion Healing Belvaspata -12 Meridian 12 Sound Elixir $150.
Alchemicla Oil 8-Meridian Activation and Kannish Belvaspata level one – Creating a fluid and graceful process of enlightenment and purification $144
Working through the heart, Belvaspata Healing is here to help us create ultimate health, vitality, joy and abundant life by awakening and healing the heart.
In this evolving journey we are in since 2007, we’ve received many Specialty Belvaspata Modalities to assist with the rapid changes in consciousness. Here I am only able to briefly introduce a few of them for your information. Connect with me if you wish to know more in a 30 min. free zoom session.
-Spiritual growth and enlightenment: Kaanish Belvaspata
-Internal Emotional Conflict The Song of The Self Belvaspata. This specialty promotes the healing of bodily inflammation by resolving internal emotional conflicts.
-The Healing Modality for Animals: Kriyavaspata Belvaspata. Connecting Animals to Earth Frequencies
The health of animals that are insulated from earth frequencies for most of the day, such as home-bound animals or horses in stalls, are at risk. Nature has created a strong connection and entrainment factor between animals and the Earth’s frequencies. Four-legged animals have a form that, unlike man, have
chakras that face vertically. This allows earth frequencies and sky frequencies to enter the animal’s body more readily, contributing to a healthful life. Domesticated animals are robbed of this very powerful contribution to their wellbeing. This healing modality is based on opposite frequencies and light attracting. The sigils used are designed to remedy distortions in the animal’s subtle bodies that its isolation from natural frequencies can cause.
Why Belvaspata?
With the changes happened in our planet and cosmos the most basic assumptions on which healers of all modalities has based their methods changed. No longer does opposite energies attract, the healing energy could gravitate towards diseased energies. Now they would reject each other.
It is vital that we begin to utilize light and frequency in healing. The use of Belvaspata heals as the frequencies of the sacred sigils are drawn to where they are most needed and takes into consideration changes that occurred in cosmos.
The frequencies within the cosmos raised our consciousness and existence from polarity and duality to Oneness. Using healing modalities based on duality leave client and practitioner with feeling of tiredness or drained. Belvaspata session benefits both, leaving them in a relax and content feeling.
Although the purpose of Belvaspata is to remove all disease, to remove the illusion of distorted emotion and to remove the distortion of light, we can use Belvaspata as a tool to:
- See the perfection of all, bringing deep contentment and satisfaction
- Focus and enhance the perfection, the blossoming of slumbering gifts deep in our core
- Assist with the awakening of consciousness and to reveal the underlying perfection
- Assist in the full expression of our being should it be blocked or not expressing fully
Belvaspata is a blessing that hovers over the individual until they are ready to receive it. In this peaceful method, the individual is not pushed into expanded awareness, instead they are gently graced with deepening insights.